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lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011

Oath of Cirion (FIN)

Desde Finland Su tema King Of The Dragonthron part III 2001, el sello es Chanteloup Creations. Symphonic/Black Metal Fantasy.

Track Lyric.

"With a loud crash the skies broke
And the hordes from the darkside arrive
This is it, the feared time
The prophecy will be fulfilled!"

With his monstruous mount the Dark One rides
Laughing maniacly as he decipates enemies with his scyte
And in the moon's pale light
The hordes of darkness feast on the corpses of those who died

The war rages on for 2000 years, until the end draws near
The Dark One has killed Taknig Zur's all three sons
And impaled their corpses with spears
Dragonblood paints black the meadows once green

Blinded by hate, filled with anger
Taknig Zur pulls the Sword of Creation from the spellbound ice
From it's blade the venomous rays fly
Sweeping out thousands at a time
Through the Dark Ones chest he rams the blade
Cutting his body in half, piercing his pitch-black heart

But the power of the sword is to greatToo great
for even the king himself
All energy is sucked out of him
Leaving him dead as the foe who fought him

The sword once again floats in space, in the cosmic chaos

Another world to create
Another world to destroy.

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